

Graduated in Electrical Engineering

What is Lightning Arrester-Working Principle Diagram

lightning arrester

Grounding wire running over the tower or substation provides good protection to the electrical system against direct lightning stroke but they fail to provide protection against traveling high voltage or current waves that reach terminal equipment. The lightning arrester or…

Synchroscope Synchronizing

Function and Principles of Synchroscope Synchronizing A synchroscope is an essential device used for synchronizing AC power systems. It measures and displays the frequency difference and phase angle between two AC power sources. The device typically features a dial with…

What is Soft Starter-Working Principle

Soft starter single line diagram

What is Soft Starter? Soft Starter is starting device, used for the acceleration, deceleration, and protection of the three phase electrical induction motors through the controlling applied voltage to 3 phase motor.Induction motor is the most frequently used motor for…