

Graduated in Electrical Engineering

Transformer Oil Testing-Types, Methods Properties

Transformer oil testing is a crucial part of transformer maintenance, as the oil serves as electrical insulation between the winding and tank and acts as a cooling agent. Over time, the oil can become contaminated, which can degrade its insulating…

Step Down Transformer-Working, Application

Step down transformer is an essential component of many electrical systems. They are used to convert high voltage, low current power into low voltage, high current power.  This is important because many devices and appliances require lower voltage than what…

Two Wattmeter Method of Power Measurement

All electrical devices run on electrical power, the consumed energy is measured in terms of watts. the device used to measure consumed power is called a watt meter. to measure three-phase power mainly two methods are used namely two wattmeter…

Reluctance Motor-Working Principle, Construction

Single-phase salient pole synchronous motors are called reluctance motors. the stator of the reluctance motor has the main winding and the auxiliary winding the same as the single-phase induction motor. The motor starts as an induction motor. It is pulled…

TNC Switch Working and Function

TNC switch stands for Trip Neutral and Close. TNC switch has three positions and it is used to operate the circuit breaker locally. TNC Diagram In this article, we will discuss the working purpose and function of TNC in electrical…