

Graduated in Electrical Engineering

Difference Between ELCB and RCCB

In the world of electrical, there are various devices introduced to protect both the electrical equipment and the personal operating it. Two of them are the Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) and the Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB). While both…

PRV In Transformer – Construction and Working

Transformers play an important role in electrical power distribution and transmission systems, as they facilitate step-up and step-down voltage for distribution and transmission purposes. Because of its electricity to be transmitted efficiently. To protect transformers, various devices are fitted on…

Corona Effect in Transmission Line

Definition: The ionization of air around the power conductor surface of the high voltage transmission line or the disruption of the dielectric strength of air near to conductor surface of the power line, producing hissing noise and causing a violet…

Advantages of HVDC power transmission over AC

Advantages of Direct current transmission compare to AC transmission  Why we use HVDC transmission instead ac transmission? 1) HVDC Transmission can operate with one conductor and ground as return path.on other hand AC transmission required 2 or more conductor, Hence…

What is power factor and current? Power triangle

  What is the power factor and power triangle? In the modern electrical distribution system, most of the loads are inductive in nature like motor,transformer, electrical furnace. when induction motor run on no load or light load, create lagging power…

Earthing Resistance Testing Procedure

Why Earthing/grounding testing is Necessary? Testing the quality of the Earthing system has been a critical part of any electrical system maintenance program. Ground electrodes provide a safe path to Earth for the dissipation of fault currents, lightning strikes, static…