Category Basic

PMMC instrument-Working, Construction, Advantages

The permanent magnet moving coil instruments (PMMC instruments) are suitable for DC quantity measurements only. PMMC instruments working principle based on Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction states that when the current carrying coil is placed in the magnetic field it experiences…

Wheatstone Bridge – Circuit Diagram, Working principle

This bridge was first introduced by Wheatstone for measuring the value of unknown resistance. Wheatstone bridge circuit consists of four resistors, two with known resistances P & Q and one known variable resistance R, and one unknown resistor X whose value…

Types of Errors In Measurement Definition

Definition: The difference between the true value and the measured value of the quantity is known as an error in measurement. The error in measurement can not be eliminated completely but it can be minimized. there are various types of…

Basic Electrical Components used In Electronic Circuit

There are many electrical components are used in the electronic and electrical circuit like a resistor, inductor, diode, transformer, capacitor, and many more. without these electrical components, the circuit is incomplete. each part has a different function in the circuit.…

What is power factor and current? Power triangle

  What is the power factor and power triangle? In the modern electrical distribution system, most of the loads are inductive in nature like motor,transformer, electrical furnace. when induction motor run on no load or light load, create lagging power…

Two Wattmeter Method of Power Measurement

All electrical devices run on electrical power, the consumed energy is measured in terms of watts. the device used to measure consumed power is called a watt meter. to measure three-phase power mainly two methods are used namely two wattmeter…

Relay- Working Principle,Construction and Types

Relays are integral components in modern electrical systems, acting as electronic switches that manage high-voltage circuits with low-voltage signals. Understanding their construction and operation is essential for anyone working with these devices. Basics of Relays Relays function as electronic switches,…