Types of insulation classes used in electrical motor

Types of insulation classes used in electrical motor/ transformer There are three main categories of insulating materials, gases, liquids, and solids. The types of insulating materials are classified mainly based on thermal capability. types of insulation classes for electric motors…

Suspension Type Insulator and advantages

Electrical Insulators are used in an overhead line to provide insulation to power conductor from ground and tower or supporting structure. Generally, insulators are connected to cross arm of supporting structure and power conductor pass through the clamp of the insulator. In this…

Reactive Power Generation and Compensation,Advantages

Some methods of reactive power generation, compansation and advantages of reactive power generation are describe below   • synchronous alternators; • synchronous compensators (SC) • static var compensators (SVC) Reactive power using synchronous alternators Synchronous alternators are the main machines…