What is Skin Effect? Definition Factors affecting

Definition: The non-uniform distribution of current through the given cross-section area of the conductor, when it operated on AC current is known as the Skin Effect. When DC current flows through the conductor it is distributed uniformly throughout the cross-section area…

lightning arrester

What is Lightning Arrester-Working Principle Diagram

Grounding wire running over the tower or substation provides good protection to the electrical system against direct lightning stroke but they fail to provide protection against traveling high voltage or current waves that reach terminal equipment. The lightning arrester or…

Bridge Rectifier-Working Diagram Advantages

The Bridge rectifier is a circuit that converts the alternating voltage into the direct voltage. Rectifiers are made up of diodes and thyristors, to convert AC supply voltage into DC. There are many applications such as electronic circuits, HVDC transmission…

Basic Electrical Components used In Electronic Circuit

There are many electrical components are used in the electronic and electrical circuit like a resistor, inductor, diode, transformer, capacitor, and many more. without these electrical components, the circuit is incomplete. each part has a different function in the circuit.…

Types of Errors In Measurement Definition

Definition: The difference between the true value and the measured value of the quantity is known as an error in measurement. The error in measurement can not be eliminated completely but it can be minimized. there are various types of…

block diagram of the variable frequency drive

VFD Block Diagram-Working Principle and

VFD is a short form of a variable frequency drive also called Frequency converters, which has undergone extremely rapid changes, largely as a result of the development of microprocessor and semiconductor devices and their reduction in prices. However, the basic…

Corona Power Loss-Calculation, Formula, Equation

When the potential difference between two conductors of a transmission line is raised beyond a certain limit, a point is reached when a violet glow appears around the conductor surface with a hissing noise and ozone gas smell this phenomenon…